Recently, there have been so many exciting changes in my life. First of all, I left my job at L’Oréal. I learned a lot while I was there, but the longer I stayed, the more I realised customer marketing just wasn’t for me. Plus, even though I find the beauty industry interesting, my heart is really in the travel industry. So I was really excited when I was offered a summer position with Education First in Boston! I interned with EF before and loved them, so I know I will have another great experience this summer. In the position I’ll be living on a college campus and leading a group of international students who are coming from Europe and Asia to spend a summer in Boston, so it will definitely be a lot more fun and interesting than my office job was!
In addition to that, I’m working on my TEFL certification to teach English as a foreign language. I’ve always been interested in teaching abroad, and I know this certification will open so many doors to me in the travel and international education industries. I’m about a third of the way through the course, and I’ve been really enjoying it so far! Plus, it’s really making me appreciate the fact that I’m a native English speaker. English is complicated!
Then the most exciting change in my life will be coming in November. I’m moving abroad to…
I will be moving to Australia for a year on a Work and Holiday visa. My visa has already been approved and my flight is booked! I’m not positive what I’ll be doing for a job yet, but I know it will be something in tourism or international education. I might even use my new TEFL certification to teach English. (I know what you’re thinking—they already speak English in Australia! But a lot of people come from Asia and the Pacific Islands to learn English in Australia, so they still need teachers 🙂 )
I’ve been wanting to move abroad for years now, and I had seriously looked into teaching abroad this past year after I graduated from college. At the time I let myself get talked into going the more traditional route of starting a career immediately. But after getting a taste of that for myself, I can see that it’s not for me, at least not at this point in my life. So I’m listening to my heart instead of my head and moving to Australia for a year of excitement!
I will be flying into Sydney and spending a couple of weeks there because I’ll have a friend visiting from London at the same time. Then from there, I’m planning to head down to Melbourne! I know I want to be in a big city, and from the research I’ve done, Melbourne seems like such a trendy, cool city and the best city in Aus for young people.
I can’t even explain how excited I am for the next six months between my summer job with EF, a visit from German friends in September, my family’s trip to Vegas and the Grand Canyon in October, and then my big move to Australia! I’m sad to leave New York because I love the city and made some really great friends there, but it’s so close to Boston, so I’ll definitely be able to go back and visit. Keep an eye on my blog because I’ll definitely be keeping you up to date on all the exciting adventures that are ahead of me 🙂

Hi I’m Christie, a 28-year-old girl originally from Boston who has spent time living in New York City, North Carolina, France, Australia, New Zealand, and London. I love moving to new places and exploring them as a local, and I can’t see my nomadic expat life stopping any time soon! I have no greater passion than travel, and when I’m not exploring I spend my free time reminiscing on past trips and daydreaming about future travel.
Congratulations!! You will have so much fun in Australia!
And your job for this summer sounds amazing, too! I would love to do something like that.
Emily S recently posted…Throwback Thursday: June 2007
This all sounds incredible and so exciting! I would love to go and work in Australia one day too 🙂
Camilla recently posted…A weekend In… Seville
Hi there! Came across your post by happenstance 🙂 awesome that you’ll be moving to Australia soon! I myself have plans of moving there too (also melbourne^^) for a year or two on a work visa hopefully so I was wondering, do you have any tips/sites to process an application? That’s a broad question I know but I startedmy research(very early stages so far heh) and I just get confused by all the different visas available and job prospects and credential evaluations to qualify and such. Any info/tips on processing and applying for a working visa would be awesome. Thanks!
That sounds awesome! Where are you from? The visa varies depending on what country you are from. I applied for a Work and Holiday visa through the Australian government website. I would recommend contacting an Australian consulate or embassy near you to see what process you should take! Good luck! When are you planning to leave for Melbourne? 🙂
I’m from Ontario Canada 🙂 Thanks for the advice. I’m hoping to make the move around the end of next year 2016. Visited Eastern Australia earlier this year in February and absolutely fell for Melbourne. Reminded me a lot of home such as the city life but still had the laid back beach feeling which was refreshing 🙂 Great Ocean Road is beautiful too! and Kangaroo Island is a must.
If you don’t mind me asking, how long did it take you to process all your papers and application.
It was really quick! It took less than a week and I think the process is even quicker and easier for people from Canada! That sounds amazing! I haven’t been to Australia before so I want to visit as many places as possible while I’m there 🙂