My Top 10 Places in the World (So Far!)
I've been really lucky to have travelled to so many amazing places in my lifetime. Being from the USA originally, I have travelled around a good portion of the US and Canada over the years. 23 US states and 3 Canadian provinces to be exact! I've also seen a good part...

Getting Ready to Study Abroad Part 2: When You Arrive
It's getting close to the start of the school year, and that means lots of students will be boarding flights to spend a semester or a year in a foreign country. Study abroad is becoming more and more common among college students, and it's basically a rite of passage...

Getting Ready To Study Abroad Part 1: Before You Leave
It's almost that time of year again—back to school. But if you're like a lot of college students nowadays, instead of preparing to head back to your school for another year, you're getting ready to embark on an adventure in a totally foreign part of the world. A few...

How Studying Abroad Changed My Life
If you are in college, the idea of studying abroad has probably crossed your mind a few times. While it used to be rare for students to spend a semester or year abroad, it's almost seen as a rite of passage for college students today. I was lucky to go to the school...

City Spotlight on Lyon, France
When you think of travelling to France, I'm sure you picture Paris, or maybe the French Riviera. But a city that is often overlooked is also my favourite city in France—Lyon. I spent a semester abroad in Lyon a couple of years ago, so I got to know the city really...