14 Ways to Learn a Language For Free
With all of the technology available today, there's never been a better time to learn a new language. And better yet, there are so many different ways to learn a language for free! I've always been fascinated by foreign languages. I took both French and Spanish...

7 Tips to Thrive in a Remote Work Environment
Whether you're a seasoned digital nomad or you're new to the remote work world, finding motivation and settling into an at-home routine can be challenging. You're surrounded by distractions that you wouldn't have in a typical office environment. Plus, sharing one...

How to Satisfy Your Wanderlust When You’re Stuck at Home
Wherever you are in the world, chances are the COVID-19 epidemic has got you cooped up in lockdown. Until the virus subsides, the best thing to do is to stay home, so it would be irresponsible to travel at the moment. But if you're obsessed with travelling as much as...

The Liebster Award | Girl Sees The World
Not too long ago, Girl Sees The World was nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award. And I am now accepting another blogging award called the Liebster Award! This is an award nominated by bloggers to other bloggers. Thank you to Karen from the great blog Travelling...

The End of an Adventure… And the Start of Another
If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll have read about the amazing adventures I had around Australia, New Zealand, and Asia in the past two years. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. Almost a month ago, I made the long journey from...

Blogger Recognition Award | Girl Sees The World
After lots of travel and an emotional roller coaster over the past few weeks, I'm finally breaking my blogging silence! After leaving my jobs in Wellington toward the end of June, I headed up north to Auckland for a few days and then flew over to Melbourne for about a...