48 Hours in Auckland, New Zealand
A few weeks ago, I said goodbye to Wellington, NZ which I had called home for the past five months. But I couldn't leave New Zealand without spending a little bit of time in the country's biggest city. So I boarded an overnight bus and headed up north to Auckland...

Cheap Eats in Wellington For $10 Or Less
It's no secret that things in New Zealand are expensive—clothes, groceries, drinks, and of course meals out. After moving to Wellington back in February, I quickly learned that eating out too often would leave me with nothing in my bank account. Something that is hard...

Top 10 Things to do in Wellington, NZ
Back in February, I made the move from Australia to Wellington, New Zealand. Before arriving in Wellington, I honestly didn’t know much about the city at all, and chances are that you reading this won’t know much about Wellington either. Well, after spending almost...

10 Differences Living in Australia vs New Zealand
After being in New Zealand for almost three months now, I’ve gotten to know it pretty well. After 15 months in Australia, my visa ended, so I decided to come to Wellington next. People had told me Melbourne and Wellington are very similar, and I do see what they mean...

Starting A New Adventure In New Zealand
Wow it’s been ages since I’ve posted on here! The last few months have been a whirlwind with so much happening and a lot of change. As I posted back in November, my boyfriend Will and I had heaps of adventure packed into a couple months. We went to Bali, bought a car...

I’m Going On An Adventure!
About a year ago exactly, I packed up my things and boarded a one-way flight from Boston to Australia. I had the best year of my life living and working here, making amazing friends, and having lots of adventures. I wish I could stay longer, but unfortunately my...

15 Places I Visited In 2015
Now that we're a week into the new year, I'm starting to reflect on everything that happened in 2015. To say things are completely different than they were this time last year would be an understatement. When 2015 began, I was working in an office job in New York. I...

When Things Go Wrong Abroad
Reading travel blogs and seeing travel Instagram accounts, it would seem that travel is always an amazing, fun, and carefree experience. But what you don’t often see is the negative side of travel. Of course, just like in everyday life, there are lots of things that...

Coromandel Peninsula: Beautiful NZ Getaway
A few weeks ago, I arrived in Australia where I’ll be living for the next year, and then immediately jetted off to New Zealand with some friends. Overall, the trip didn’t go exactly as planned, but more about that in my next blog post. While in New Zealand, we spent a...